2.所見所聞(Sickened Eyes)
Flowing through this city's arteries...
An endless stream
of polluted dreams
Instilled in me...
the belief...
that 'there's no reason to fight this'
大氣候 將你0地 逐漸 洗腦
物質 主義 遍佈 社會每一階層
I run far away...
Plagued by lies,
of commercialized lives
Mould the way that you should live
Cloaked in designer labeled dreams...
Don't try and challenge
their enforced status quo...
They have millions washed
chasing their monetary hopes...
I run for away...
頻撲0既工作吃喝玩樂 浮於物質層次 驅殼
無建設性揮霍 死板0既思維難以開放
永不再以物質衡量一切 人性人義與我一世
冇0野可毒害我獨立思想 齊對毒害無數人0既主義...唱!
NO - you can't hold me
NO - you can't silence me
MY - heart is sworn
TO - fight this war
Don't be afraid...跳出物質層次
Don't be afraid...跳出物質層次
無 人 可 以 奪 取 你 人 生
They can't silence you 獨立
They can't silence me 自發
You've got us so stand strong 不再受
You've got us so stand PROUD! 大氣牽引